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LECM Whitewater is a college ministry by the ELCA and ECUSA. Our goal is to engage with the college community in Whitewater, to create relationships and grow together as a community.
Kristen Buterbaugh
Campus Ministry Director

146 S. Church Street. Whitewater, WI 53190 - (262) 473 - 8980.


Ryan Daane 

Kristen Buterbaugh graduated from Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ with a degree in English.  She now lives in Kenosha, WI and has an active faith life at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church.  Her ministry began in her first home parish in Topeka, KS, singing in church choir, acolyting and later, working as a youth group leader.  She has served in many other ministry roles (including serving as staff at Lutherdale Bible Camp in Elkhorn, WI)  and has a strong passion for lay leadership.  In her spare time, she enjoys running, knitting and caring for her pets.

Harley Windle

Chris Roberts

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